All cats at our Wirral Cattery must have up to date vaccinations, cats must be vaccinated every year with the annual booster no more than 3 moths overdue.
Any cats found to have worms or fleas will be treated by the Cattery at the owners expense.
In the event of a cat becoming ill during its stay we will endeavour to use the owners own vets however should this not be possible our own nominated veterinary surgery with be contacted. If it is a ongoing illness then the fees with be charged to the owner. If it is a new issue that has arisen whilst boarding as a result of its stay then the Cattery insurance will cover the cost.
Each chalet will be monitored with daily charts covering litter tray use, feeding, medications and any other health concerns.
Chalets are regularly cleaned and checked throughout the day and given a deep clean after a cat vacates, all bedding and litter trays are thoroughly washed and disinfected. All chalets are separated by sneeze barriers and conficlean disinfectant is used throughout the building.